Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:28:11 GMT -8
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:28:47 GMT -8
ADMINISTRATION RESPECTThe admin staff has created this world and has put many hours of their own time toward making a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. Please respect our decisions, we will work hard for you and in return earn your respect as handy and capable staff. Vice versa, your hard work and focus will establish earned appreciation and high opinion. LISTEN & ABIDEThis seems be a growing problems amongst games. The administration team has final ruling over everything and we ask that our players abide by what we say. Make sure to read everything written by the staff, failure to listen will result in bad grace. Basically if you are unable to listen to a simple task it gives the staff reason to be suspicious of you abilities. Mistakes are mistakes and will be treated as such, repeat offenders will be talked to. HELPWe are here to help you, don’t let the admin title deter you. If you’re unsure about something, need an opinion or help on a bio, the entire staff is here to help you. Some of us specialize in certain areas but we’re readily here to be of service to make your gaming experience a fun one.
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:29:13 GMT -8
AVATARS & SIGNATURES SIZESAvatar sizes can be no bigger then 100 x 100 pixels. Anything bigger and it stretches the board horrifically to the admin team while remaining extra small to members. Either way, it’s no fun to look at. Signatures cannot exceed 200 x 500 pixels (That's height by width), anything bigger and it will stretch the board. If an image exceeds the designated size, a PM will be sent to fix it. If it hasn’t within 24 hours, it will be removed or replaced with a link by staff. AVATARSYour avatar can relate to your character in any way. Real life actors, singers and models are acceptable. No cartoon, anime or drawings allowed. No scene kids or using yourself. If you’re unsure, bring it by the staff. No pornographic images or distasteful sayings. Keep in mind your audience. SIGNATURESYour signature can be comprised of text, a single pic or several smaller pics but it must not exceed the designated size. Your signature must relate only to your character. No advertisements are allowed in your sig, we have a advertising board specifically for that.
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:29:50 GMT -8
C-BOX RULESNo spamming. We don't appreciate people that make idiots of themselves, we're pretty sure you don't either. While there is already a spam blocker in place, we do have access to IPs and will ban.
No advertising. We have a guest friendly board that allows you to advertise to your hearts content. The staff will allow links to our member's name but only if they have first advertised. Any advertisements will be deleted and parties either warned or given a timeout from the c-box, it depends on prior convictions. Timeouts can last up to a solid week.
No flooding. No one likes to see your name a hundred times. No one. You are allowed to post 5 times in a row before taking a break. If you are asking a question and the length of it goes over 5 posts, then that is acceptable. However, I don't want to see "Read any good books?" ten times in a row over the past hour. Give people time to answer, not everyone is watching the c-box like a hawk.
No arguing. "Play arguing" and friendly debates are perfectly acceptable, everyone likes to have fun but there are limits. Watch the language, while this is a Pg-15 rated board, the c-box is on the front page for all to see, keep it to a PG level. Basically act like mature people and you will be treated as such.
Use your characters first name for easy clarification and use. It can also be a nickname your character uses frequently, something that we can identify you with. No codenames because we all forget. Guests can post under name they wish, but once your character has been accepted, use their name. Do not add any extra text to your name or attempt to make it fancy. Ie xXx~(John~Doe)~xXx. That just takes up extra space and is annoying.
No impersonating staff or anyone else for that matter. The staff have access to IPs and we will ban without warning on this subject.
Have fun, the C-box can be used for both friendly chatting, light plot work and questions that Guests may have. If a Guest has extensive questioning, please take that to the Help board for easier use.
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:30:13 GMT -8
CHARACTER CREATION RESEARCHDO. YOUR. RESEARCH. We cannot stress this enough. If your character is a scientist, professional clown or bookkeeper do the research on it! Same goes for skills. The staff will not do it for you. PATIENCEPestering the bio staff, on and off game will not make us look at your bios any faster. We, like everyone else, have lives outside of this game. We are also RPers here. We know your bio is there and we look at them in order. AGEThe Guardsmen will allow characters as young as 16, however not everyone will be allowed on assignments due to younger ages. There are no exceptions. We don’t need to be killing our heroes before they can be properly trained. Everyone else can be any age they wish. CODINGPlease do not mess with the default coding of the bio form, do not add anything or take away something.
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:30:37 GMT -8
IC (IN CHARACTER) TIME STAMPGoes hand in hand with fluid posting. Anyone who starts a new thread must use the time stamp format provided below. It helps keep things in order and alleviate confusion. Respect the time stamp.
[b]Time:[/b] [b]Date:[/b] [b]Place:[/b] (Where your thread is taking place) [b]Status:[/b](Is it open to anyone or closed to a select few) FLUID POSTINGFor the time being, the admin staff are allowing players to post in several threads at a time with their characters. Make sure to follow the time stamp rule and allow enough time between threads that are close in time. Three (3) threads at a time are the max for each character. Make sure to finish a thread before you start another. The thread count is not affected by the three other rpg boards of past, future and ooc gaming. You are free to post as many times as you'd like there. RATINGPendulum Swing is rated M for some violence, language and adult situations. Mark your threads if they involve any of the three above. SEXIf you’re only here for the smut, please leave. Pendulum Swing focuses on character growth and plot, not hanky panky 24/7. If you feel the need for your character to be defined by sex, use the fade to black. Not everyone is interested in reading it and it goes against Proboards TOS. Anything above light petting will be taken off the board or face deletion by a Admin. Shouta/ Pedophilia also known as adult/minor relationships will not be allowed whatsoever. Adult relationships regardless of gender and sexuality are allowed. THIRD PERSONWrite in third person past tense, EX. Adam walked down the street, peering cautiously into each alley he passed. Something skittered past him and he let out an undignified squeak only to be laughed at by his partner as they both watched the cat retreat into the shadows. POSTING TIMEPost at least once a week, if not more. If a character is holding up a scene, the others involved have the right to move on. If the Role Player does not post in a week, their character will be gently NPCed by a administrator/moderator and sent a warning email. No reply after another week, their character will be moved out of the thread. No reply after a month, they and their character will be removed from the RPG. POSTINGBe practical in your posting, no one-liners or leet/chat speak. There is no minimum posting required, we prefer quality over quantity. We're not asking for perfect writers, but if you have trouble reading your own work, this is not the RPG for you. Keep OOC comments to a minimum, there is a OOC section specifically made. FINISHED THREADSWhen you're done with a thread, leave an OOC note at the last post telling us so. That way the admin staff know when you're done and we can move the thread into the archives. ENTERING/LEAVING THREADSWhen you enter a thread and are coming from another thread. Or when you are done with a thread and moving on to a next one, at the end of your post leave a message in this fashion.
//Heading to (Board): (Thread name)// //Heading to Brooklyn: Blood is thicker then water//
If you are coming from a thread into a new thread, place this at the top of your post.
//Coming from (Board): (Thread name)// //Coming from Brooklyn: Blood is thicker then water//
This allows everyone in your thread to keep track of each other, as well as the Mods and any new people that join in. TEXTDo not mess with the default color. Do not center/right align your text or change the size. You're free to bold speech if you like. If the text is changed, staff will change it back and you will be sent a PM about it. LANGUAGESince the use of foreign languages are not allowed under Proboards TOS, use these “{Your speech here.}” brackets to signify a foreign language. POWER PLAYINGNo controlling of another person's character. It is acceptable if your character grabs another by the hand to pull them toward yours but do not denote the actions of any character but your own. This includes auto hitting, you do not call the hit, it is up the other player to decide if it hits and how much damage it does. GODMODINGYou are not invincible, all powerful nor a god. Your character may act like it, but everyone is vulnerable. You cannot dodge all the bullets, punches or wisecracks. Gentlemen, it hurts getting kicked in the groin, ladies it hurts being punched in the chest. Keep it real. If another player cannot denote a hit on your character, you cannot block every hit thrown at you. SPELL CHECKIt is your friend, your best friend. Use it. Its right there, next to the reply and preview button. Its not going to bite you, use it! It catches the majority of mistakes we make. IMPORTANTOne of thee most important things to remember is IC =/= OOC. (In Character does not equal Out Of Character) What happens in game is not a deliberate attack on you the RPer. Vice versa IC actions will result in IC consequences, good or bad.
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:30:58 GMT -8
OOC (OUT OF CHARACTER) RESPECTThere’s the word again. Be respectful to one another. There will be no bigotry on my board. Friendly arguments and rivalries are perfectly acceptable but the moment they become out of hand, both parties will be warned once. Second time, IP's will be banned. I have zero tolerance for racism. ABSENCEIf you’re going to be away for a long period of time, please let us know in the section provided. There will be periodical activity checks. CHARACTER LIMITThere is a limit of three (3) characters per RPer at this time. More may be granted if the RPer proves themselves reliable and commendable. If you’re interested in more characters, talk to the staff first and we will make the decision. STEALINGIs a big no no and will get you banned. No stealing from Pendulum Swing or from any other site, including writings and graphics. MARY SUE/GARY STUIt’s a epidemic and make sure you’re vaccinated. It seems to come with the territory and we don’t take kindly to these kind of characters. A Mary/Gary is a character that is perfect, faultless and the spotlight is forever on your character. Essentially if you’ve created this character to satisfy a fantasy of yours, the door is that way.
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:31:57 GMT -8
SIGNING UP AGENo one under the age of 16 may sign up due to some language, violence and adult situations. If you are caught lying, you will be banned immediately and an email will be sent explaining our reasons. Your characters will be phased out of the game. DISPLAY NAMEWhen you sign up, it doesn’t matter to the admin staff what you use, ponygirl36, phyrfly456, john, etc but your display name must be changed to your characters first and last name. We will accept a first name nickname if it is what your character goes by the most. CHARACTEROne (1) character to an account, this includes multiples i.e. twins.
Post by Edward Reed on Apr 18, 2009 19:32:16 GMT -8
WARNINGS FIRSTA simple warning off the board in a PM is warranted. We ask that you reply that you have read the warning and understand it. If you are unsure, the admin will discuss it further. SECONDA three day suspension will be put into place and the staff will gently push along any characters you have in heavy play so any other players in your thread do not suffer. THIRDThere is no third warning, if you’ve gotten to this point. You will be suspended from the game for a indefinite time while your characters will be phased out of the game. During this time, the admin staff will make a permanent decision. SPECIAL CASESThe admin staff will bypass all warning and kick you out of the game should you exceed the level of stupidity far beyond our comprehension.