. f o r m e r friends . d r i n k i n g buddies (0/3) . b e s t friends (0/3) . c l o s e friends . a v e r a g e friends . l i k e family . p u r e acquaintance . p o t e n t i a l friend . e n e m y turned friend . o l d friend
e n e m i e s
. a v e r a g e enemies . l o v e / hate . u t t e r annoyance . d i s like . p u r e hate . h e r rival
l o v e r s
. l u s t . s e c r e t crush ξ . o n e . n i g h t stand
[/s] . c r u s h on her / you . f o r b i d d e n fruit . p a s t love . a t t r a c t i o n physical . e x
o t h e r s
. e n i g matic . p r o t e c t i v e of her / you . r e s pect . t e a m mate . i n different[/size] [/blockquote]
strikethrough means ask/pm me first plot by moi for Pendulum Swing
[center] one 100 icon [size=9][color=574848]&[/color][/size] another 100 icon [size=7]first name lowercse[/size] [size=1][color=484A54]LAST NAME UPPERCASE[/color] [i][b][color=574848]age written out here[/color][/b][/color][/i] • [i][b][color=574848]profession here[/color][/b][/i] • [i][b][color=574848]race[/color][/b][/i][blockquote][left]relationships here quote to get colors pweeze[/left][/blockquote] [size=3] [color=574848]"[/color][/size]first person here, thanks![size=3][color=574848]"[/color][/size][/size][/center]